China World Peace Foundation Holds Symposium and Report on International Public Interest
Date:2011-09-28    Count:34748

China World Peace Foundation(CWPF) recently held symposium and report on citizens’ social responsibility and ecological environment for undergraduate volunteers respectively on July 2nd and August 7th. Over 50 teachers and students from Qinghua University, Beijing University, Party School of the CPC Central Committee, China University of Political Science and Law, Chinese People’s University, Chinese People’s Public Security University, China Mining University, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Capital Teachers’ University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economic, Xian Jiaotong University, Liaoning University, Nanyang University of Technology, Harbin University of Technology, Hongkong University, University of Frankfurt, University of South Australia, Bristol University attended a series of activities relating to the symposium. They also visited the Peach Garden symbolizing the world peace and watched the documentary revealing the Peace Garden.
Chairman of the CWPF, Mr. Li Ruohong briefed the volunteers about the development of the NGOs in China and the UN’S Millennium Development Goals as well as how CWPF has conducted the public interest program under the theme of peace plus one in the international community. The volunteers all signed up to join in the activities, presenting their own advantages and experience as volunteers. Those who once served as Olympic volunteers told about their experience of serving the overseas visitors and athletes and some really moving stories known to very few people before. Those who served in Wenchuan and Yushu told about how they had helped local people in the disastrous areas gain access to water and electricity. The community volunteers told about their efforts in helping sort garbage, collecting spend batteries for recycling, implement energy saving lamps and conduct psychological treatment of autistic children. The volunteers showed a short film documenting their experience as volunteers, and introduced a public interest campaign sponsored and implemented by them, appealing for people’s travel in a low-carbon way. By means of hiking to climb the Great Wall, the students aimed to enhance people’s awareness for saving energy and reducing pollutant emission , and to express concern for the disastrous areas.
Professor Huang Hengxue from Beijing University introduced the development of the key research items on community construction entrusted by the Beijing Municipal Government. Mr. Haoxue, vice chairman of the China association of materials recycling introduced to the volunteers about China’s severe shortage of resources, encouraging the students to start with themselves to enhance their awareness for environmental protection and make contribution to China’s cause of public interest. The volunteers expressed their hope to contribute to Chinese and international public interest cause using the international community platform, Peace Garden, and with their advantages in academy and ability of multiple foreign languages. Among the participants were also professors from Beijing University and Qinghua University.


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